Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Chapter 2: Holding Myself Accountable

I started this account to have somewhere to hold myself accountable for my weight loss every single day.

My goal is simple: to not miss a post and to be honest about my progress. I won't slack off if I know I have an audience (even if it's just my sweet hubby!).

During this first week of working out and keeping my calories down, it feels like I've been killing it and I'm in the mindset that nothing can stop me.

I know it's going to get harder as I go on, but I'm not going to give up because I want to be an inspiration to myself and others.

If I know I’m going to post about my progress the next day, then maybe I’ll think twice about shoving those extra calories into my gob the night before!

That’s what I’m hoping anyway!

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