Monday, May 24, 2021


I really like how many variations/modifications there are in the standing yoga I’ve been doing every day.

For a beginner like me, it’s nice to be able to bend my knees while touching the floor without feeling like I’m doing the pose wrong because I can’t straighten them (yet!)

Eventually I’ll be able to do more, be more flexible, have more balance, but for now I’m doing the best this still out-of-shape body can do.

I’m not even feeling frustrated by my limitations because at least I’m trying.

I like the challenge of it and I like knowing there are still more advanced poses to work up to.

I’m still wobbly and shaky in my balance, but I already noticed how far I’ve come in the last month.

Imagine all the things I’ll be able to do if I keep moving forward and don’t give up...

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