Sunday, May 9, 2021

Chapter 5: Romancing the Workout

Being a romance author, I'd like to think that I have a pretty good imagination.

But, never in a million years would I have imagined that my hubby of 24 years would jump 110% into my weight loss plan this time and work out with me every single day. 

He's been the one person in my life who has loved me unconditionally and it means the world to me to have him right there with me, encouraging me and pushing me further than I could go by myself.

When you love someone with all your heart, their actions can say "I love you" just as loudly as their lips.

I’m so proud of all the progress we’re making together!

We are now 25 days into this new life of eating healthy and working out and I’ve never been so excited about the future!

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