Thursday, May 27, 2021

Chapter 8: Take Control

You are the one in control of what you eat and how much exercise you do. Don't place blame on others and don't expect anyone else to take responsibility for the choices you make.

Take control of your body. Yes, there are times when you feel out of control, but there are things you can do to be in charge of your weight loss.

Carve out time to work out. Get up early and move your body. Replace time that you'd normally be on social media with a  workout. Don't eat junk food that you know is bad for you. Take control!

There’s very little we have control of in our lives and I’m so glad I didn’t wait another day to take control of my weight!

5 weeks into this journey and the clothes that were too tight to wear last summer are already baggy on me.

Take control of your body and you just might be surprised at the results...

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