Monday, June 14, 2021

Chapter 11: Give it a Chance

Give your mind a chance to adjust to your new way of eating less and eating healthy. Give your body a chance to acclimate to exercising regularly.

Give yourself a chance to succeed at this new way of living before you give in and sabotage yourself and throw away all the progress you’ve made.

You might be surprised at how much willpower you actually have and how strong you really are.

Give yourself a chance to become who you dream of becoming.

After 2 months, I can honestly say that it doesn’t really get any easier.

I still struggle, especially when I’m hungry and don’t have any calories left for the day.

But I keep going because I’ve worked too hard to give up now. I want to see the end result more than I want to quit. Quitting is the easy way out and I’m not doing that this time.

Most days were a struggle anyways, so I might as well fit into my skinny jeans…

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