Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June Monthly Weigh-in

The results are in!

SW: 212.6

CW: 197.2

That’s a total of 15.4 pounds down in the last 2 months! And I’m out of the 200’s!

My goal has been to lose 2 pounds a week and that’s about as close as you can get.

I’m posting progress pics, even though I’m still embarrassed by my weight, to show that I really am doing this and these posts aren’t just a fictional yarn spinning for your entertainment like the romance novels I write. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I can see a little bit of difference in the side-by-side comparisons, especially in my boobs where I seem to be losing most of my weight!

The last 2 months, I’ve been on a 1500 calorie meal plan and my workout schedule has been:

Standing Yoga: 7 days a week

HIIT: 4 days a week

Arm weights (10 lb dumbbells): 4 times per week

Kettlebell: 1-2 times a week

I’m going to be easing back on the workouts because it’s been too grueling of a schedule to keep up.

Here’s to another great month of burning fat and gaining confidence…


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