Sunday, July 18, 2021


Looking on the bright side of the pandemic, I guess there have been a few things that I wouldn’t have done otherwise.

It’s been 16 months since I’ve eaten fast food and 2 years since I’ve eaten at a restaurant. I haven’t had soda or any other kind of carbonated beverage in all that time either.

So much has been cut out of my life—the traveling, the birding, the hiking—that I’ve been forced to look toward myself and focus on ways I can improve.

This has definitely been a time of experimenting on myself. What would happen if I rode the stationary bike every day for a month straight? What if I get really into yoga and do it every day for 2 months? Why don’t I do this challenge or try that workout?

While making all of these life changes, I lost 15 pounds before I even started this “official” journey in April. That’s quite a big loss from just changing a few of my eating habits.

I love that I’ve been doing all this work on my weight and will eventually emerge a lighter, healthier me when I finally feel safe to leave my house again someday.

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