Friday, July 2, 2021

Chapter 14: The Meat

Before and after photos are the glamorous side of weight loss. Yes, it’s nice to see progress and drastic transformations, but that’s only a teeny tiny part of it.

What you don’t hear much about is the actual journey itself. The being hungry, the mental toughness you have to develop while strengthening your willpower, the waiting for the pounds to drop. 

The meat of the journey, the day in and day  out of it, is the most important part because that’s when all the work happens. That’s when you have thoughts about giving in and giving up because it’s so damn hard.

Transformation doesn’t happen overnight. And that’s part of what keeps me going. Because I haven’t put in this much work to throw it all away now.

The journey itself is the part that should be glorified…

As with most things, it’s a long, hard road to get to the “after” part of the story.

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