Thursday, July 8, 2021

Chapter 15: Motivation

Whatever your reasons are for wanting to lose weight, whether you are doing it for health reasons, you have a physical goal you want to achieve, or you simply want to fit into a specific size of clothes, use that to propel you forward and keep going throughout this difficult journey.

Whenever you start to falter and need an extra boost of motivation, remind yourself why you’ve decided to lose weight in the first place. Make a vision board on Pinterest and revisit it when you’re having a rough day. Get out those jeans you want to fit into. Scroll through photos of the marathon you want to run.

Keep working toward that goal and you will get there eventually!

Most of my reasons for losing weight are vanity-related…and that’s totally okay!

When I’m having a tough time, I’ll go into my closet, get my “skinny” jeans out and unfold them and look at how cute they are and how wonderful it will feel to be able to fit into them again.

Do whatever you need to do to not lose sight of your original motivation.

Someday I’ll fit into those jeans and I’ll get to post a photo of me rockin’ the hell out of them!

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