Friday, July 16, 2021

July Monthly Weigh-in

I lost 3 pounds this month!

Yeah, it’s nowhere close to my 2 pounds a week goal, but considering that I’ve been having my period every other week (thanks perimenopause, however can I repay you? 😒), I’ll take whatever I can get!

I picked up one of my 3 pound weights and it’s actually a significant amount of weight when you’re holding it in your hand.

This last month I have eased off working out so much, but I’ve been sticking to my 1500 calorie plan and haven’t gone over.

Trying to lose weight during perimenopause is one of the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to do, but I’m not giving up and I’m going to keep making progress no matter how long it takes me to get to my goal weight.

I just have a few pounds to go until I’m in the 180’s and I can’t wait!

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