Friday, August 27, 2021


Happy #facetofacefriday!

There’s a 30lb difference in these photos and neither one has been filtered.

I have a full face of makeup in the first one, something I started doing because I thought it helped masked the fact that I was overweight.

On the right, I only have a little bit of mascara on. I never would have posted something like this before, something so “unglamorous” or “unflattering.” But I don’t feel like I need to hide anymore. This is me. Older, unfiltered, unmade up, and that’s okay. I’ve worked hard to get this weight off and I’m not going to spend an hour on a full face of makeup every time I want to take a picture of my progress.

Here’s to being older and wiser and feeling more comfortable and confident (and brave!) in your own skin…

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