Sunday, August 1, 2021

August 2021 ~ Monthly Goals

 August Goals

~ Drink more water (when you have to pee every 5 minutes, you’ve reached your goal)

~ Film more of my workouts to show that I’m actually putting the work in and not just talking about it

~ Do a Pilates challenge

~ Get into the 180’s

~ Don’t go over 1500 calories per day

~ Use kettlebell at least once a week (and not just to prop the door open) 

~ Research what kind of human sacrifice  I need to make to get the weather out of the triple digits 

Well hello there, August!

Starting this month I’m setting small, attainable, monthly goals for myself that will hopefully give me a sense of accomplishment as I work toward my ultimate goal weight.

My goals for August are totally doable and challenging enough to make it interesting.

Let’s do this!

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