Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Chapter 3: 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Almost two weeks ago, I began my first day of a 30 day yoga challenge. I'm doing standing yoga for now, to gradually ease myself into the practice, and because all those cat/cow poses are murder on my wrists.

In the past, I've completed a month of riding the stationary bike and 30 days of marching in place/indoor walking videos, so I'm not a complete newbie to the challenge concept.

Yoga is something I hope to continue doing long after the thirty days is done because I know it would be a healthy habit to integrate into my daily routine.

What I’m liking best about yoga is how I’m reminded to BREATHE.

So often during the day I find myself holding my breath and it’s nice to take a few moments out of my day to focus on inhaling and exhaling.

I’m enjoying standing yoga videos from @yogawithbird and @ashleymfreeman.

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