Thursday, May 13, 2021


I’ve gone 4 whole weeks without taking a rest day!

It’s one of the things I’ve done differently this time around because I know me. Once I take a break from working out, one day turns into two, into three, and so on. I know that once I stop something, it’s really difficult to get back into it. I need that momentum to keep me going on the right track.

Since I’ve been doing cardio every single day, I’ve been treating it like all the other things I do on a daily basis. I don’t go a day without brushing my teeth or showering, so why can’t I move my body a little bit every single day?

It makes me feel good and strong and I actually look forward to getting a sweat on when I wake up in the morning.

Tomorrow is weigh-day and I’m excited to take some progress photos of this strong/powerful/capable body I’ve been working so hard on...

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