Saturday, May 15, 2021

Chapter 6: It Doesn't Matter

Your excuses don't matter, that is.

I'm great at justifying my actions and I could make excuses for myself all day long. "I don't feel like it," "I'm on my period," "I didn't get enough sleep last night," "I don't have time"...the list goes on and on.

But I'm not going to do that this time around. I'm not going to keep making excuses for why I can't get the weight off.

It doesn't matter that I'm sick/tired/sleepy/ busy. There will always be some excuse trying to stand in the way of my goals and I'm going to do my part and stop making excuses, once and for all.

This time around I’ve been having a completely different mentality about working out.

I just do it. I don’t overthink it. I don’t complain about it. I don’t put it off to do later (and then eventually don’t do it at all).

It’s a part of my daily routine now. Because I’m done fighting it. Because I want it to be a healthy, pleasant part of my day that leaves me feeling good.

During these last 30 days, I’ve proven that I can work out during my period and after both vaccine shots, so that right there eliminates any future excuses.

When you make something a priority in your life, the excuses don’t matter anymore...

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