Wednesday, June 23, 2021


For the first time in 67 days, I went over my calorie limit.

Last night I went 100 calories over by having 1/4 cup of trail mix.

Considering I haven’t had over 1000 calories a day for the past three days (and my calorie app was yelling at me that I wasn’t eating enough), I think it’s safe to say that I’m not spiraling out of control or anything.

Finding a balance has been the biggest struggle for me because perimenopause has me in a constant swing of no appetite and feeling like I could eat an entire grocery store.

Most of the time it feels like I’m just hanging on for the ride that my chaotic hormones are taking me on, but at least I’m the one in the driver’s seat when it comes to finally taking control of my weight!

Here’s to being honest about the bumps in the road on this journey of health and continuing to hold myself accountable…

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