Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Wellness Purge

There are a lot of things you need to purge from your life when you start a weight loss journey.

First, you need to take all the junk out of your diet and the extra salt and sugar you don’t need.

Then, as you lose weight, you get to gradually take all of those clothes out of your closet that are too baggy and don’t fit you anymore.

And something I hadn’t even thought about was going through my recipe books.

So many of the recipes I’d collected over the years were full of fat and calories.

I had 20 recipes for trifle and I don’t even own a trifle dish!

Even if I ever do make dessert again someday, I don’t need all of those sugary, high-calorie recipes cluttering up my life.

So, I kept a few tried-and-true favorites and said buh-bye to the rest.

Because, if it doesn’t fit into my new healthy lifestyle, then it doesn’t belong in my house.


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