Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Wow, now that’s what I call a challenge!

I thought I was ready to do a pilates challenge, so I tried a Total Body Pilates Workout 5-day Challenge video from @trifectapilates on YouTube and it was waaay out of my league.

I only made it 25 into the 35 minute video (and this is after 3 months of doing HIIT workouts 3-4 times a week!)

I don’t consider this a fail because I WILL try again and eventually I know I’ll get stronger and be able to do it all the way through.

In a way, it’s nice to know that there are still things out there that we can challenge ourselves with, still things to strive for, things to work toward.

This wouldn’t be called a journey if I arrived at my destination in the first few days…

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