Saturday, August 28, 2021

Chapter 22: Words of Wisdom

I've already done a chapter about not waiting to start your weight loss journey because the sooner you start, the sooner you can start seeing results.

Well, that advice especially applies as you age. The older you are, the harder it is to get the pounds off. (Trust me, I know from experience.)

Even when you think you're older and wiser, a body and mind that is so used to overeating isn't going to easily fall in line with your vision for a slimmer, healthier you.

So, I think it's worth repeating: Don't wait to do tomorrow what you can do today!

I’m 4 and a half months into my #weightlossjourney and I’m so glad I started when I did!

It only took a couple of months to start seeing results and hitting some encouraging weight loss milestones.

If I hadn’t made a change when I did, I’d still be back where I was, unhappy with my body and myself.

Do this for yourself. Don’t wait another minute to start!

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